Easy Beer Bratwurst

These rich, savory brats are the perfect treat for your next backyard cookout or tailgate.

Last updated: May 30, 2022

  • Prep Time

    15 minutes

  • Servings


  • Cook Time

    4 hours (high) or 8 hours (low)

  • Course

    Main Dish

You’ll Need...

Slow Cooker Liners



Line a 5-to 6-quart slow cooker with a Reynolds Kitchens® Slow Cooker Liner. Open slow cooker liner and place it inside a slow cooker bowl. Fit liner snugly against the bottom and sides of bowl; pull top of liner over rim of bowl.

Add beer, onions, maple syrup, vinegar, caraway seeds, thyme, and Worcestershire sauce to the lined slow cooker. Stir gently with a rubber spatula to combine. Place bratwurst on top of the mixture in cooker.

Cover and cook for 4 hours on high or for 8 hours on low.

Carefully remove lid to allow steam to escape. Serve directly from slow cooker liner using a wooden or plastic utensil. Do not lift or transport liner with food inside. Cool slow cooker completely; remove liner and toss.

Serve bratwursts and onions in toasted buns topped with cheese and lettuce, if desired.