Fish Tacos with Crema Sauce
Last updated: May 27, 2022
You’ll Need...
You’ll Need...
Oven Bags

For the tacos:
For the crema sauce:
PLACE Reynolds® Oven Bag in 13x9x2-inch baking pan.
ADD flour, Mexican seasoning, olive oil, lime juice, cilantro and garlic in Reynolds® Oven Bag; gently squeeze bag to mix ingredients.
ADD fish to oven bag; turn bag several times to coat fish with marinade ingredients. Arrange fish into an even layer. Close oven bag with nylon tie. Refrigerate 30 minutes.
PREHEAT oven to 400F. Cut six 1"-inch slits in top of bag. Tuck ends of bag in pan. Make Crema Sauce:
MIX sour cream, lime juice and salt in a small bowl.
BAKE 15 minutes or until fish flakes. Carefully cut bag open and remove fish with slotted spoon to platter. For Each Taco,
HEAT two tortillas according to package directions. Stack tacos; spoon fish in center. Top with cabbage and drizzle with Crema sauce. Add toppers.
To make your own Mexican seasoning, combine 1 teaspoons seasoned salt, teaspoon ground cumin and teaspoon chili powder.